April 05, 2023 7 min read

our tips for a serene morning

do you snooze all your morning alarms? maybe you are trying to squeeze in some yoga before work so that your body can perform at its best. have you ever found yourself feeling irritated and anxious when you woke up? trust us, we have all been there! you want to get your day off to a good start and make it as productive as possible. it is not easy, but we are here to assist you! 

we have put together simple, fun, and realistic tips to help you get out of bed and into the day with energy and enthusiasm so you can slay through the morning all the way to the night! 

get up early

we understand that waking up early is a big challenge, but if you want to feel at peace and make the most of your morning, you must get up earlier than everyone else.

just smile when you see yourself in the mirror after waking up. Just smile as mother teresa says “peace begins with a smile”. then open all the windows and let the morning light shine through.

before the day gets crazy, you can sit for ten minutes to enjoy the tranquility and think about the good stuff, the things that make you excited because that will help release endorphins, a hormone that makes you feel happy. if you enjoy writing, painting, or drawing, endorphins will stimulate your creative juices, allowing you to write, draw, and paint more effectively.

moreover, there is a no-brainer, the benefit of waking up early is huge. for example, you will have more time to organize your thoughts before starting your day and you will get to work on time. although this is not a great activity to do in the morning, you can go through your email inbox.

forget your phone!

do you want to begin your day with a clear mind? if yes, then keep your phone away from you for at least an hour. 

this not only puts strain on your eyes but also hinders your productivity. Instead, use this time to focus on tasks that promote mindfulness and relaxation such as exercise or reading. you will be carrying your phone with you throughout the day so let’s make the most of the morning goodness by staying away from gadgets. 

plan your day

planning your day is very important because setting the right intentions goes a long way. this way, you can assertively achieve your daily goals. this will not only help you stay organized but will also enable you in identifying to-dos and must-dos.to make planning fun, you can get yourself a daily planner in which you can easily write your schedule for the day.

thus having a comforting routine is a must: they give us a sense of safety and predictability in an otherwise unpredictable world. 

ask questions

It's true that how we begin the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. therefore, you should ask various questions from yourself like what am I grateful for? how can i make the day wonderful? such questions will not only take your mind off the stressful events in your life but also will develop an attitude of gratitude in your personality.

hence, this will give you the motivation to wake up in the morning, radiating positivity and happiness.

self-care - because you matter

a self-care routine is essential for making your mornings shine brighter. it does not necessarily have to be an eight-step skin care routine. it can be anything that makes you feel that you are caring and loving yourself. for instance, reading your favorite book, applying a sheet mask, or doodling in a coloring book to relieve your stress.

if you are a free-spirited person, then you can make organic masks in the morning. 

you can either mash some strawberries and rinse your face with its pulp or you can mix some honey with lemon and apply it on your face. even placing the cucumber slices on your eyes would do. won’t this make you feel good that you are taking the initiative of saving the planet earth, first thing in the morning? woohoo!

make your breakfast

to fill your mornings with joy, treat yourself to your favorite breakfast like a cheese omelet or nutella waffles, or pancakes with maple syrup. while everyone’s asleep, you can go to the kitchen and make your breakfast. take out the crunchy and colorful vegetables from the refrigerator, wash them, and start chopping them. the sound of beating the eggs, chopping vegetables, and the sizzle of the oil, will give you morning asmr feels. won’t that be super satisfying?

brew some coffee or make tea, the smell of the coffee will create a pleasant aroma in the house, making your morning super relaxing. on the weekends, you can bake banana bread or cake to make your house smell sweet and your tummy feels great.

healthy lifestyle? interested in helping to save the environment? you can even grow your fruits and vegetables at your home, either in your garden or through sustainable vertical farming.

water is life

starting today, make this your habit to drink at least two glasses of water as soon as you wake up every day. it is significant to stay hydrated as it helps flush out toxins from your body. it is not only good for your skin but also improves your digestion, leading to better overall health. therefore, don’t wait, hydrate!

take it easy and listen to music

to start your day with a positive mindset you can listen to instrumental music like River flows in you by yiruma, interstellar by hans zimmer, nuvole bianche by ludovico einaudi, etc. 

this activity will take you to a different dimension, a whole new world. Music has the power to stimulate creativity and enhance cognitive function, leading to a greater flow of ideas and thoughts. it can also evoke emotions that can inspire new perspectives and insights. henceforth, it can improve your focus and productivity throughout the day, making it a great addition to your morning routine. you can listen to music when jogging, doing yoga, or meditating.

nourish your soul with nature

just like our body thrives with nutritious food, nature nourishes our souls. Go for a stroll in the garden while the morning sun gently illuminates the garden, casting a warm glow on the dew-covered grass. the chirping of the birds, the buzzing of bees, and the rustling of the leaves create a peaceful symphony as the gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of the blooming flowers. hence, you will find yourself feeling more at ease as soon as you're out there.

moving on to the activities, you can water the plants or plant a tree, you can even have tea in your garden. sipping tea and inhaling fresh air. isn’t that a great combo? aside from that, you can go for a morning walk in your neighborhood with your pet.

on the weekends, you should go to the beach as in the morning it is a calm and tranquil place, with the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore, the sound of the seagulls, and the fresh smell of seawater in the air. the sun rising over the horizon creates a beautiful display of colors, making it an ideal time for meditation or a jog along the shore.

wonder of nature - the sunrise

witnessing a sunrise can be a breathtaking experience as the sky transforms from dark to light and the colors change from deep blues and purples to warm oranges and pinks. it is a reminder of the beauty and wonder of nature and can bring a sense of awe and tranquility to those who witness it. thus, you must watch the sunrise once a week to feel as if you’re rising like the sun.

yoga and meditation for your boho soul

sometimes our mornings can feel like a bit of a battle so to feel fresh in the morning, do some energizing yoga. youtube is filled with plenty of yoga and meditation videos that you can play and enjoy. it’s a good alternative for those days when you don’t feel like walking or doing cardio. when you feel lazy, you can always go for low-impact yoga. this is a huge incentive as it makes your body feel light and clear-headed. 

the benefits of meditation are substantial; even a few minutes per day can have a significant impact. studies demonstrate that regular meditation can enhance mental focus, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and even lower blood pressure. it is a simple yet powerful tool that can positively impact overall well-being. you can even meditate in your garden, the lush green plants and vibrant flowers would for sure calm your nerves.

read books - dive into the stories that exist beyond this world

if you are someone who is not a big fan of leaving the house and loves reading (basically is a bookworm) then this tip is especially for you. reading allows you to escape from the world's chaos and concentrate on something positive and uplifting. also, it gives a boost to your imagination and knowledge. you can read anything from self-help books to poetry or the classics. self-help books make sure that you gain or learn something new every day. ikigai by francesc miralles and hector garcia is the best self-help book on the market today to kickstart your day. furthermore, atomic habits by james clear is a good read. 

into philosophy and poetry? then rupi kaur’s ‘ sun and her flowers’ and noor unnahar’s ‘ yesterday I was the moon’ are great options. so what are you waiting for? go grab a book, brew some coffee, sit on your favorite sofa chair, and start reading.

soothe your mind - take a hot or cold shower

even though it is difficult to figure out one’s morning routine, including a hot or cold shower is vital. the cold showers instantly wake you up and according to research, they make you feel fresh and confident throughout the day. if you prefer taking a bath over a shower, you can light up a scented candle and use bath bombs to make you feel like a queen.  

taking a shower or bath in the morning can help improve blood circulation, reduce muscle tension, and promotes a sense of calm and relaxation. additionally, the change in the temperature can boost your energy levels.

show affection towards your loved ones

this is the most important tip. why? this is because when you hug, kiss or even compliment your loved ones, you light up their day, and you instill positivity in them first thing in the morning. whatever good you do now will come back to you. this means that when you make others happy, you create a way for yourself to be happy. this will boost your self-esteem as well as the self-esteem of those around you. hence, making your mornings better.

the things we do on day to day basis, no matter how seemingly small, are what define who we are and who we are becoming. therefore, you can incorporate the tips that resonate with you for a simple, serene, and soul-nourishing morning routine.

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